
As we gear up for the exciting 2024-25 season of the National League, all supporters are reminded to create a new account on the website. Your previous login credentials will not work, so make sure to re-register to access the upcoming games.

To catch all the action, head to the Packages page to choose from a Match Pass for today’s game or opt for a Month or Season Pass for some great savings. Coverage of the games will start approximately 30 minutes before kick-off, which you can easily access on the Schedule page or the National League TV website.

Today’s lineup features 16 thrilling games on NLTV, including Southend United vs York City, which is exclusive to National League TV and not available on DAZN. The fixture is not affected by the UEFA Article 48 blackout, so fans worldwide, including those in the UK, can stream the games.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page for more details. While the National League may not be able to respond to all inquiries immediately, we encourage fans to help each other out to ensure everyone can enjoy the games on NLTV.

Don’t miss out on the football action and make sure to create your new account, choose your package, and tune in to National League TV for a season full of excitement and drama. Let’s come together as a community to support our teams and celebrate the spirit of the game.