Title: Edinburgh Private School Proposes Artificial Pitch Installation, Seeks Community Feedback
George Watson’s College in Edinburgh is embarking on a significant project to install two artificial playing fields at their grounds on Myreside Road. This development has sparked a crucial consultation process that will allow local residents to have their say on the environmental impacts of replacing grass areas with artificial playing surfaces.
Labour MP for Edinburgh South West, Dr. Scott Arthur, recently took to social media to inform constituents about the upcoming consultation events scheduled for February 10 and March 6, 2025. The first public consultation will be held at Myreside Pavilion from 2:30pm to 6:30pm on February 10, followed by a second event at the same location on March 6 during the same hours.
MP Urges Community Participation
Dr. Arthur emphasized the importance of community involvement in decisions that could potentially impact local greenspaces. He highlighted that George Watson’s College has submitted an outline planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council for the installation of the artificial pitches and associated works and infrastructure.
Consultation Details
Those interested in learning more about the proposed development or providing feedback can attend the consultation events at Myreside Pavilion. Additionally, exhibition materials and a feedback form will be available online from February 10 for a minimum of three weeks after the second event, allowing ample time for feedback to be submitted.
Planning Process Overview
Given the size of the development site, which spans over six hectares, the planning process will consist of two stages: the Proposal of Application Notice stage, where feedback will be submitted to the applicant, and the Full Application stage, which will incorporate feedback received during the initial phase.
George Watson’s College’s initiative to enhance its sporting facilities through artificial pitch installations demonstrates a commitment to providing students with modern and sustainable amenities. However, it is essential for the community to engage in the consultation process to ensure that all perspectives are considered before final decisions are made.
As a resident of Edinburgh, I understand the importance of balancing progress with environmental considerations. It’s crucial for institutions like George Watson’s College to involve the community in such significant developments to foster transparency and collaboration. How do you feel about the proposal? Will you be attending the consultation events to voice your thoughts and concerns? Let’s work together to shape the future of our local landscape.